Panther Creek’s Social Hot Spot
Panther Creek parking lot
For many students at Panther Creek, the parking lot is more than a place to park our cars. For the majority of upperclassmen, this seemingly insignificant part of our school is also a social gathering spot for PC drivers. Most teen movies depict high schools very inaccurately, except for the way they portray the parking lot. They show it as a fun and lively place which is exactly how students at Panther Creek would describe it.
Freshman, Alena Williams says the parking lot is only, “a place where people go to park their cars and go off campus.” Like most underclassmen who ride the bus, Alena doesn’t normally think of the parking lot of anything more than its original purpose. Though the parking lot is something that underclassmen look forward to, they don’t quite understand the significance of it. It is only until later in high school that one can understand and appreciate the freedom the parking lot provides to students.
Senior, Drew Pretzel knows the parking lot as, “one of the only places where everyone is together and you can see all of your friends.” Another senior, Cameron Wood, “chats about juicy gossip with his gang.” Many seniors will miss this part of Panther Creek while at college including senior, Sophie Weaver who is “sad to leave the PC parking lot and will miss talking with her friends.”
Because Panther Creek has around 2600 students, it’s difficult to see your friends throughout the day with different and busy schedules. The parking lot solves this problem by providing a place to hang out, meet new people, and unite the upperclassmen of Panther Creek. From 2:18 to the time the buses leave you can see students talking, joking, promposing, and laughing in this social hot spot. Every high school student will get a chance to enjoy this part of our school at some point. Even though the senior’s time is coming to an end, new students will be able to experience this part of Panther Creek every year.