Most Popular Apps used in Panther Creek

Most Popular Apps used in Panther Creek

Joey Moxley, Reporter

Most Popular Apps Used In Panther Creek

The majority of students that go to Panther Creek use smartphones that have applications. Students use apps to play games, read social media, or on the rare occasion, use educational apps. To find out which apps are the most popular we interviewed students at Panther Creek. And we got interesting results.

We first interviewed a freshman health class to find out what their favorite apps are. The class responded with four people saying their favorite app was twitter, nine people saying facebook, and the rest of the class did not use social media or had a different type of social media account. Next we asked the class what their favorite game was. Seven students raised their hand and said their favorite game was the game “AA.” Our final question was if you use any applications for educational purposes what app are they. The only app students use for educational purposes was the “Powerschool” application, which is an app that allows you to check your grades on your phone.

After getting a class poll on the favorite apps of the students we started to interview some individual students. Senior Luke McGann, told us that his favorite social media app is twitter. We then asked him what his favorite game to play on his phone is “Words With Friends.” We realized that not all students liked the same type of apps. Senior Joey Geiger told us in an interview that his favorite social media app is Snapchat, he likes to play AA, and he uses Powerschool to check his grades on his phone.

Applications can be very useful and have an impact on the students productivity, entertainment, and social life throughout the day.