What do Panther Creek Students do after school?


Amanda Coole enjoys singing and preforming.

Mike Flynt, Reporter

Different kids like to do different things, and although some like to sit on the sofa and watch t.v. some prefer to use their free time for more exciting festivities. No matter what it is, these students at Panther Creek find time to do some of the things they enjoy after school.

Sophomore Ryan Bell enjoys photography and loves to “capture the moment” with his Canon T2i. “ If there is not a picture, it did not happen,” says Ryan Bell when asked about his love for photography. Sophomore Amanda Coole likes to sing in her free time and says its easy, fun, and makes her feel at peace with herself. Sophomore Luke Wiblitzhouser is into body building and got into it when he was a freshmen. He has nine meals a day, gets up at one o’clock in the morning to drink a protein shake, then at 6:30 (and every 2 hours after that) he has a meal again. Each day of the week he works a different muscle. Sophomore Austin Browne likes to skateboard and his favorite trick is a “front side finger shuv air,” and that skateboarding, “gives him a rush like no other.” Sophomore Nick Agnone (A.K.A. Nicky Dank$) likes to rap in his free time and says he loves people, “bumping to his music in their car.”

To get more of an idea of what other hobbies are out there, we polled students on what type of activity they like to do outside of school. We found that there most students play sports in their free time and a lot of students make gaming a hobbies.

All in all, hobbies are important to help young people relax and enjoy life, and the more eccentric they are the better.