Finding a Roommate


Andrew Davies, Reporter

Second semester has come and many seniors have gotten a wake up call to enroll in their colleges and the scariest part of the process, finding a roommate. Some have the comfort of going to school with their friend and having an easy choice for their roommate. For the rest of us the first step is going to Facebook and following the 2021 graduating class of the college. From this point you will post a status on the group’s timeline talking about yourself and the kind of person you are and the kind of person you are looking to room with. Make a wise decision because this is the person you will be living with in close quarters for at least a year. We interviewed many students who have done different methods of finding a roommate. Two seniors Hannah Faber and Kendra Jacobsen who are best friends plan to room together while another senior Cara Brand found a roommate through mutual friends and another senior Mitch Sorensen found a random roommate on his college’s Facebook page. No matter how the future college class of 2021 is finding their roommate they will all have a great time meeting a bunch of new people!