How Supportive are PC Students?

The students of PC are often very enthusiastic about their sports and coming out to show their spirit. If you’ve ever attended a game you would be able to see a sea of the particular theme for that night. The crowd goes crazy over their team playing on the court or field.

During the current basketball season, the student section has gone above and beyond to show support for the basketball team. From free admission, to bringing in canned goods, printing out faces of the players, overfilling the student section, and cheering for their Catamounts as loud as they can. This is common throughout every basketball season, and previous football seasons all well.

The students who participated in the poll also answered which class they thought had most school spirit. As to no surprise, majority voted the senior class. This is most likely due to the reason that it is their last attending year before heading off to college, and so most would like to do all that they can while they still are given an opportunity to do so.