PC Trivia Part 2

PC Trivia Part 2

Mitchell Leblanc

Cameron Leblanc and Maggie Basile

PCNN went back and did another round of fun trivia questions asked to the students here at Panther Creek.  We got some similar results in terms of people getting questions with the average number of questions right was around 3 or 4 questions.  The questions we asked this time didn’t follow any specific categories and the answers are even better.  The questions we asked were:

1)How many oceans are there?

2)How many ounces are in a pound?

3)How many feet are in a mile?

4)What is the largest ocean on Earth?

5)How long does it take Earth to spin once on it’s axis?

6)What did the wicked queen give Snow White?

7)What type of tree does an acorn come from?

8)Finish the lyric:  Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman ____________

9)Finish the lyric: I’m saucin I’m saucin on you, ______________