Trump 2020?


Current President, Donald Trump, has received approval from certain individuals but mostly wide span disapproval across the country.  A recent poll conducted by CNN revealed that Trump’s approval rating has declined to thirty-two percent, less than one third of the country. This caused PCNN staff to the investigation of whether Panther Creek High School students believe that Donald Trump will be re-elected.

Interviewees including: Abigail Yewdall, Asad Yusuf, Khyre Williams, Kelly Geiger, Shakia Jean, Graham Merrett, and Matt Jensen. They were asked a variety of questions pertaining to the re-election of Donald Trump. One question was, “What do you like and dislike about Donald Trump?”  Another was, “Do you personally want Trump to be re elected in 2020?”

Jensen, Yusuf, Merrett and Yewdall all agreed that Trump would win the 2020 elected if he runs for Presidency.  They believed that he is a role model and completes objectives in office.  Also, these individuals believe that he is confident and capable of making important presidential decisions when needed.  Specifically, Yewdall believes that Trump is a “man of his word” and is completes what is promised.  In addition, they love his tweets on Twitter.  On the other hand, Williams, Jean, Geiger, and Patel are far against the idea of Trump getting re-elected in 2020.  These individuals refer to him as immature and not cut out for the prestigious Presidential role.  They believe that Trump does not think about the citizens of America before making important decisions.  Lastly, in agreement with sixty eight percent of the country, they believe that Trump does not have the political intelligence required for Presidency.

Unlike the poll conducted by CNN, fifty percent of the interviewees selected approve of the re election of Trump.  This may be due to the demographics or location of the interviewees.  However, a small survey conducted by Panther Creek News Network indicates that half of the students can be inferred to approving Donald Trump for the 2020 election.  Keep checking us for more updates on the future presidential election brought to you by PCNN staff.

The poll below is a prediction from a larger group of students in wake county as to whether Trump will be re elected in 2020.  As you can see, the results are closer to the national approval rating of 32 percent.