Catamount Reactions to iOS7 Glitches, Rumors, and Truths
In many cases, when people have tried to download the new iOS 7 directly to their phone, they are lacking enough space to allow the new software. Often times, people have to delete apps or contacts to make room for the download.
Apple recently gave iPhone and iPad users a much-needed makeover with their release of the iOS 7. This new software update gives iPhones and iPads a new theme and changed how some apps work. There have been many different reactions to this new update; I interviewed some students here at Panther Creek to get their opinion.
Before iOS 7 was officially released many rumors accumulated through the internet about what was in store. Sophomore Julia Una said one rumor she heard was that the home button, for both iPhones and iPods would be fingerprint sensitive. This means that users would no longer need to enter a passcode to unlock their device, the screen would pick up their fingerprint and unlock itself. This rumor ended up not being true. Julia said she hasn’t downloaded iOS 7 yet, but she looks forward to the new changes.
Junior Indiya Mann said that when she downloaded the new software she had really high expectations for it, most of which were met. She said it was “time for a change,” one thing in particular she liked about the new theme was how convenient it was. According to Indiya closing apps, playing music, and using apps is easier than before.
Senior Kenzie Stanfield said she was hesitant to download it because it ran slower and that it drained your battery life. Many people have been experiencing problems with their battery life ever since they downloaded iOS 7. However, freshman Nick Agnone said he didn’t have problems with his battery life, but he thought it was confusing having to learn to work new apps and a new layout.
Apple has received many positive comments on iOS 7, one thing up for questioning though is whether or not the new layout is too much like a Windows or Android phone. Kenzie and Indiya said they thought that they could have been “more original” but she doesn’t see too many similarities. Kenzie believes that is was “somewhat like an Android,” but overall she likes the new theme.
Another problem with iOS 7 is, because it is so new, there are many glitches. There have been problems with unlocking your phone and there isn’t a wide variety of keyboard options. Apple has fixed this by releasing the iOS 7.0.2. However, many people don’t have enough storage to update the new software because it takes up so much space on the iPhone.
People describe having problems with the different theme, new apps and decreased battery life. However, it seems like the students at Panther Creek are pleased with the new iOS 7 update. Although having a new operating system will take some time getting used to, everyone can agree that it was time for a change.