Thanksgiving for Everyone
Thanksgiving is a lovely time of year to spend time with friends and family. We give thanks to what we have in life and what is to come. During the month of November we have collected information about students holiday plans. The majority of students are traveling to visit family and friends, to eat dinner together during this holiday. Most students favorite scent this season is pumpkin or pumpkin pie. Throughout Panther Creek, most students are excited for Black Friday sales at the mall and are looking forward to a joyful Thanksgiving. According to our poll mash potatoes and turkey were the most common favorite foods for Thanksgiving. Although the traditional Thanksgiving foods were the favorites among most students, we found that even though vegans cannot eat a classic Thanksgiving meal there are still ways to enjoy the holiday.
On November 10th, students at Panther Creek learned that Thanksgiving can be made to fit the needs of a vegan diet. Whole Foods sponsored PCNN and brought a vegan dinner for students to try. Whole Foods goal was to show how it is still possible for vegans to celebrate Thanksgiving even though they cannot eat the traditional meal. The food brought to us was a vegan roast (combination of vegetables, lemon juice, apple cider, and spices), green beans, cranberries, stuffing, and mashed sweet potatoes that were all vegan and rated highly among other students.