Which Panther Creek Students are going out of State or Country for college?

This story discusses Panther Creek students’ decisions to attend college in or out of state or country.


In this story, we collected responses from seniors. 55% of survey respondents are going out of state (including New York, Utah, Idaho, Virginia, Hawaii, and Florida.) 33% are staying in state, and 11% are going to college out of the country, (China and Australia). Among the reasons for going out of state were: to get away from home, to be closer to other relatives, religion, more opportunities, and specific school programs. The respondents going out of college went for reasons such as new experiences, languages, and future career possibilities.

In the video, we interviewed Kara Mathes, who said that she chose her school, Hamilton College, because she wanted a small liberal arts school in the Northeast. When asked if she considered going to school In State, she said no, because she was ready to get out of North Carolina and experience a new place. Next, we interviewed Peter Ballentine, who is going to college at Duke University in Kunshan, China. He said he wanted to attend in order to learn Chinese and to be able to help contribute to building the University from the ground up, as it is their first year accepting international undergraduate students. He said he considered colleges in North Carolina, such as UNC and NC State, but ultimately decided that Duke Kunshan was the place he felt inspired to go to. Next, we interviewed Kristina Bates who is attending Brigham Young University in Idaho. She said that she chose to go to this school because she wanted to get out of North Carolina and she enjoys the Northwest. She considered going to NC State and ECU, but decided that out of state was the way to go. Finally, we interviewed Madison Middledorf, who did decide to stay in state for college. Madi will be attending NC State and studying business.  When asked why she chose to stay in state, she said that it was because of her love for North Carolina and the school, specifically the business program. She never really considered going out of state.